Monday, 14 November 2016


   Listeners are created by using one or more of the interfaces defined by the java.awt.event package.
    When an event occurs, the event source invokes the appropriate method defined by the listener and provides an event object as its argument.
    The commonly used listener interfaces are:

The ActionListener Interface:
 The ActionListener interface defines actionPerformed() method that is invoked when an action event occurs.
void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae)
The AdjustmentListener Interface:
 This interface defines the adjustmentValueChanged() method that is invoked when an adjustment event occurs.
void adjustmentValueChanged(AdjustmentEvent ae)
The ComponentListener Interface:
 This interface defines four methods that are invoked when a component is resized, moved, shown or hidden. 
void componentResized(ComponentEvent ce)
void componentMoved(ComponentEvent ce)
void componentShown(ComponentEvent ce)
void componentHidden(ComponentEvent ce)

The ContainerListener Interface:
 This interface defines two methods that are invoked when a component is added to or removed from a container. 
void componentAdded(ContainerEvent ce)
void componentRemoved(ContainerEvent ce)
The FocusListener Interface:
 This interface defines two methods that are invoked when a component ontains or loses keyboard focus. 
void focusGained(FocusEvent fe)
void focusLost(FocusEvent fe)
The ItemListener Interface:
 This interface defines the itemStateChanged() methods that is invoked when the state of an item changes.
void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent ie)
The KeyListener Interface:
 This interface defines three methods that are invoked when a key is pressed, released or when a character has been entered. 
void keyPressed(KeyEvent ke)
void KeyReleased(KeyEvent ke)
void KeyTyped(KeyEvent ke)
The MouseListener Interface:
 This interface defines five methods. If the mouse is pressed or released at the same point, mouseClicked() is invoked. When the mouse enters a component, the mouseEntered() event is called. When it leaves mouseExited() method is called. The mousePressed() and mouseReleased() methods are invoked when the mouse is pressed or released, respectively.    
void mouseClicked(MouseEvent me)
void mouseEntered(MouseEvent me)
void mouseExited(MouseEvent me)
void mousePressed(MouseEvent me)
void mouseReleased(MouseEvent me)

The MouseMotionListener Interface:
 This interface defines two methods. The mouseDragged() method is called multiple times as the mouse is dragged. The mouseMoved() method is called multiple times as the mouse is moved.
void mouseDragged(MouseEvent me)
void mouseMoved(MouseEvent me)
The MouseWheelListener Interface:
 This interface defines mouseWheelMoved() method that is called when the mouse wheel is moved.
void mouseWheelMoved(MouseWheelEvent mwe)
The TextListener Interface:
 This interface defines textChanged() method that is called when a change occurs in a text area or text field.
void textChanged(TextEvent te)
The WindowFocusListener Interface:
 This interface defines two methods that are called when a window gains or loses input focus.
void windowGainedFocus(WindowEvent we)
void windowLostFocus(WindowEvent we)
The WindowListener Interface:
 This interface defines seven methods. The windowActivated() and windowDeactivated() methods are invoked when a window is activated or deactivated, respectively. If a window is iconified, the windowIconified() method is called. When a window is deiconified, the windowDeiconified() method is called. When a window is opened or closed, the windowOpened() or windowClosed() method is called. When the window is being closed the windowClosing() method is called.
void windowActivated(WindowEvent we)
void windowClosed(WindowEvent we)
void windowClosing(WindowEvent we)
void windowDeactivated(WindowEvent we)
void windowDeiconified(WindowEvent we)
void windowIconified(WindowEvent we)
void windowOpened(WindowEvent we)

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