Monday, 7 November 2016

Difference Between Java vs. C:

Java does not include keywords sizeof, and typedef.
Cincludes keywords sizeof, and typedef.
Java does not contain data typestruct and union.
Ccontains data typestruct and union.
Java does not define the type modifier keywords auto, extern, register, signed, and unsigned.
C defines the type modifier keywords auto, extern, register, signed, and unsigned.
Java does not have a preprocessor and therefore it does not support #define, #include, and #ifdef statements.
C have a preprocessor and therefore it supports #define, #include, and #ifdef statements.
Java adds new operators like instanceof and >>>.
No such operators are supported in C.
Java adds labeledbreak and continue statements.
C does not support labeledbreak and continue statements.
Java uses Java Virtual Machine.
C does not use JVM.
Java does not support the concept of pointers.
C supports the concept of pointer.
Java Supports the concept of applets.
C does not support the applet programming.
Java support features for Object-Oriented programming.
C does not support features for Object-Oriented programming.
The output of the java compiler is byte code.
The output of C compiler is executable code.
char data type is 16-bit long.
char data type is 8-bit long.

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