Thursday 23 February 2017

Challenging Problem in Interactive Graphics

One of the most challenging research problem in interactive computer graphics is to develop the faster and less expensive methods of solid object display.
Introduction to
GKS Primitives !
GKS (the Graphical Kernel System) is an ANSI and ISO standard. GKS standardizes two-dimensional graphics functionality at a relatively low level. The primary purposes of the standard are:
§  To provide for portability of graphics application programs.
§  To aid in the understanding of graphics methods by application programmers.
To provide guidelines for manufacturers in describing useful graphics capabilities.
Output Primitives
A basic graphic element that can be used to construct a picture. There are four basic output primitives:
§  Polyline
§  Polymarker
§  Fill Area
§  Text

The GKS function for drawing line segments is called polyline. The polyline function takes an array of X-Y coordinates and draws line segments connecting them. The attributes that control the appearance of a polyline are:
§  Linetype: which controls whether the polyline is drawn as a solid, dashed, dotted, or dash-dotted line
§  Linewidth scale factor: which controls how thick the line is.
§  Polyline color index: which controls what color the line is.

The GKS polymarker function allows you to draw marker symbols centered at coordinate points that you specify. The attributes that control the appearance of polymarkers are:
§  Marker: which specifies one of five standardized symmetric characters to be used for the marker. The five characters are dot, plus, asterisk, circle, and cross.
§  Marker size scale factor: which controls how large each marker is (except for the dot marker).
§  Polymarker color index: which specifies what color the marker is.

Fill Area
The GKS fill area function allows you to specify a polygonal shape of an area to be filled with various interior styles. The attributes that control the appearance of fill areas are:
§  Fill area interior style: which specifies how the polygonal area should be filled: with solid colors or various hatch patterns, or with nothing, that is, a line is drawn to connect the points of the polygon, so you get only a border.
§  Fill area style index: If the fill area style is hatch, this index specifies which hatch pattern is to be used: horizontal lines; vertical lines; left slant lines; right slant lines; horizontal and vertical lines; or left slant and right slant lines.
§  Fill area color index, which specifies the color of the fill patterns or solid areas.

The GKS text function allows you to draw a text string at a specified coordinate position. The attributes that control the appearance of text are:
§  Text font and precision: which specifies what text font should be used for the characters and how precisely their representation should adhere to the settings of the other text attributes.
§  Character expansion factor: which controls the height-to-width ratio of each plotted character.
§  Character spacing: which specifies how much additional white space should be inserted between characters in a string.
§  Text color index: which specifies what color the text string should be.

Segment is a collection of output primitives that can be manipulated as a unit. In GKS, segment attributes are visibility, highlighting, detectability, segment priority and segment transformation.
In addition to the GKS functions, you may wish to use the segmentation functions provided in GKS for storing instructions in segments. You may use those segments in several ways: by inserting them into subsequent pictures; by translating, rotating, and scaling the segments; and by specifying whether a segment is visible or not, or whether it is highlighted or not.
You can
§  Create segment with CREATE SEGMENT command.
§  Close segment with CLOSE SEGMENT command.

§  Delete segment with DELETE SEGMENT command.

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