- Option Explicit
- Const T As Double = 57.29577951
- Private Sub Form_Load()
- Me.Height = 7000
- Me.Width = 7000
- End Sub
- Private Sub Form_Resize()
- Me.ScaleHeight = 100
- Me.ScaleWidth = 100
- End Sub
- Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
- Dim H As Long, M As Long, S As Long
- Dim Hd As Double, Md As Double, Sd As Double
- Dim Hr As Double, Mr As Double, Sr As Double
- Dim x As Double, y As Double
- Dim p As Double, i As Double, a As Double, b As Double
- Dim x1 As Double, y1 As Double
- Me.Cls
- Me.Circle (Me.ScaleWidth / 2, Me.ScaleHeight / 2), 49, vbBlack
- Me.Circle (Me.ScaleWidth / 2, Me.ScaleHeight / 2), 48, vbBlack
- Me.FillStyle = 0
- Me.Circle (Me.ScaleWidth / 2, Me.ScaleHeight / 2), 1, vbBlack
- Me.FillStyle = 1
- x = Me.ScaleWidth - 4
- y = Me.ScaleHeight - 4
- a = Me.ScaleWidth
- b = Me.ScaleHeight
- For i = 1 To 12
- p = i * 30 - 90
- If p < 0 Then p = p + 360
- x1 = y / 2 + (y / 2 * 0.9 * Cos(p / T))
- y1 = x / 2 + (y / 2 * 0.9 * Sin(p / T))
- Me.CurrentX = x1 + 0.2
- Me.CurrentY = y1 + 0.2
- Me.Print i
- Next
- H = Hour(Time): M = Minute(Time): S = Second(Time)
- lblTime.Caption = "Current Time - " & H & ":" & M & ":" & S
- If H >= 12 Then H = H - 12
- Hd = H * 30
- Hd = Hd + M / 2
- Md = M * 6
- Sd = S * 6
- Hd = Hd - 90: Md = Md - 90: Sd = Sd - 90
- If Hd < 0 Then Hd = Hd + 360
- If Md < 0 Then Md = Md + 360
- If Sd < 0 Then Sd = Sd + 360
- Hr = Hd / T: Mr = Md / T: Sr = Sd / T
- Line (Me.ScaleWidth / 2, Me.ScaleHeight / 2)-(Me.ScaleHeight / 2 + ((Me.ScaleHeight / 2) * 0.75 * Cos(Hr)), Me.ScaleWidth / 2 + ((Me.ScaleHeight / 2) * 0.75 * Sin(Hr))), vbBlack
- Line (Me.ScaleWidth / 2, Me.ScaleHeight / 2)-(Me.ScaleHeight / 2 + ((Me.ScaleHeight / 2) * 0.85 * Cos(Mr)), Me.ScaleWidth / 2 + ((Me.ScaleHeight / 2) * 0.85 * Sin(Mr))), vbBlue
- Line (Me.ScaleWidth / 2, Me.ScaleHeight / 2)-(Me.ScaleHeight / 2 + ((Me.ScaleHeight / 2) * 0.8 * Cos(Sr)), Me.ScaleWidth / 2 + ((Me.ScaleHeight / 2) * 0.8 * Sin(Sr))), vbRed
- Me.FillStyle = 0
- Me.Circle (Me.ScaleHeight / 2 + ((Me.ScaleHeight / 2) * 0.75 * Cos(Hr)), Me.ScaleWidth / 2 + ((Me.ScaleHeight / 2) * 0.75 * Sin(Hr))), 1, vbBlack
- Me.Circle (Me.ScaleHeight / 2 + ((Me.ScaleHeight / 2) * 0.85 * Cos(Mr)), Me.ScaleWidth / 2 + ((Me.ScaleHeight / 2) * 0.85 * Sin(Mr))), 1, vbBlue
- Me.Circle (Me.ScaleHeight / 2 + ((Me.ScaleHeight / 2) * 0.8 * Cos(Sr)), Me.ScaleWidth / 2 + ((Me.ScaleHeight / 2) * 0.8 * Sin(Sr))), 1, vbRed
- Me.FillStyle = 1
- End Sub
Tuesday, 14 February 2017
Code of Digital and Analog Clock
About Something Different (Study Materials,New Think)
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