Tuesday 14 February 2017

How to create own ActiveX Control in VB?

1. Click start menu->select Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0->Select Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0-> select ActiveX Control from New Project Window.

2. On the Project menu, click Project1 Properties to open the Project Properties dialog box. Select the General tab, fill the information on the general tab dialog and then click OK

3. Double-click UserControl1 in the Project Explorer window to bring the designer to the front.
4. In the Properties window, double-click the Name property and change the name of the user control to ShapeLabel. The new name appears in the caption of the designer and in the Project Explorer window.

5. Within the control designer, resize the control using the drag handle at the lower right corner of the control, dragging up and left to make the control smaller.

6. On the File menu, click Save Project to save the project files.

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