(Liquid Crystal Display) A display technology that uses
rod-shaped molecules (liquid crystals) that flow like liquid and bend light.
Unenergized, the crystals direct light through two polarizing filters, allowing
a natural background color to show. When energized, they redirect the light to
be absorbed in one of the polarizers, causing the dark appearance of crossed
polarizers to show. The more the molecules are twisted, the better the contrast
and viewing angle.
Because it takes less power to move molecules than to
energize a light-emitting device, LCDs replaced the light-emitting diodes
(LEDs) in digital watches in the 1970s. LCDs were then widely used for a myriad
of monochrome displays and still are. In the 1990s, color LCD screens caused
sales of laptop computers to explode, and in 2003, more LCD monitors were sold
for desktop computers than CRTs.
The LCD was developed in 1963 at RCA's Sarnoff Research
Center in Princeton, NJ
A subpixel of a color LCD
Passive Display
Called "passive matrix" when used for computer
screens and "passive display" when used for small readouts, all the
active electronics (transistors) are outside of the display screen. Passive
displays have improved immensely, but do not provide a wide viewing angle, and
submarining is generally noticeable. Following are the types of passive
TN - Twisted Nematic - 90º twist and Low-cost displays for
consumer products and instruments. Black on gray/silver background.
STN - Supertwisted Nematic- 180-270º twist and Used
extensively on earlier laptops for mono and color displays. DSTN and FSTN
provide improvements over straight STN (180º - green/blue on yellow background;
270º - blue on white/blue background).
Dual Scan STN - Improves STN display by dividing the screen
into two halves and scanning each half simultaneously, doubling the number of
lines refreshed. Not as sharp as active matrix.
Active Display (TFT) - Widely used for all LCD applications
today (laptop and desktop computers, TVs, etc.). Known as "active
matrix" displays, a transistor is used to control each subpixel on the
screen. For example, a 1024x768 color screen requires 2,359,296 transistors;
one for each red, green and blue subpixel (dot). Active matrix provides a
sharp, clear image with good contrast and eliminates submarining. Fabrication
costs were originally higher than passive matrix, which caused both types to be
used in the early days of laptop flat panels. Active matrix displays use a 90º
(TN) twist. Also called "thin film transistor LCD" (TFT LCD). See bad
Reflective Vs. Backlit-Reflective screens used in many
consumer appliances and handheld devices require external light and only work
well in a bright room or with a desk lamp. Backlit and sidelit screens have
their own light source and work well in dim lighting. Note that the meaning of
"reflective" in this case differs from light reflecting off the front
of the screen into the viewer's eyes.
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