Tuesday 14 February 2017


Why to use MFC application framework:
Ø The MFC library is the C++ Microsoft windows API.
Ø Application Framework applications use a standard structure.
Ø Application Framework applications have easy and fast development.
Ø The VC++ tools reduce coding write time.
Ø MFC Library Application Framework is feature rich.
Application Framework: It is an integrated collection of object oriented software components that offers all that’s needed for generic application.
Application Framework vs Class Library:
Ø An application framework is a superset of a class library.
Ø An ordinary library is an isolated set of classes designed to be incorporated into a (a mathematics class library performs basic mathematics operations), but aprogramapplication framework the structure of the program itself.
Ø Class library is a set of predefined classes used for a specific purpose.

Collection of various libraries & some additional tools to develop an application is called application framework.

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