Tuesday 14 February 2017


Ø Resource Editor:
Ø Resource Compiler:
Ø Source Code Editor:
Ø C/C++ Compiler:
Ø Linker:
Ø Debugger:
Ø Online Help/MSDN Library viewer: Help can be accessed in four ways:
a. By Book
b. By Topic
c. By word
d. F1 help
Ø AppWizard: AppWizard is a code generator that creates a working skeleton of a windows application with features, class name, and source code filenames that are specified by user through dialog boxes.
Ø ClassWizard:ClassWizard is a prog. accessible from VC++ view menu. It helps to create new class, virtual function or a new message handler function. ClassWizard writes prototype, function body and (if necessary) the code to link the window messages to the function. Thus make the programming more error free.
Ø The Source Browser: Helps to examine the code from the class and function viewpoint. Following viewing modes are available:
Accessible from Tools menu (Alt+F12)
a. Definition and References:(Viewing the definition and using position of the functions , variables, macro, classes etc)
b. Call Graph/Caller Graph:
c. Derived Classes and Members/Base Classes and Members:
d. File Outline
Ø Windows Diagnostic Tools: SPY++ gives tree view of system processes.Include whole set of ActiveX utilities.
Ø Source Code Control: Source Safe holds the master copy of the project.
Ø Gallery: Helps to share software components among different projects. It manages three types of modules:
a. ActiveX Controls
b. C++ source modules
c. Visual C++ components

Ø MFC & ATL Support:

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