Saturday 18 February 2017

Structure of MIS

Structure of MIS is a difficult concept to understand because there is no standard or universally accepted is no standard or universally accepted framework for describing management information framework for describing management information system. For example, A car may be perceived in a system. For example , A car may be perceived in a number of different way; by describe the physical number of different way; by describe the physical characteristics, i.e. its shapes, colour, seating capacity, characteristics, i.e. its shapes, colour, seating capacity, door etc. MIS structure be described by following a door etc. MIS structure be described by following a variety of different approaches: variety of different approaches:
         Physical components,
         Information system processing functions,
         Decision Support
          Levels of management activities
         Organizational functions
         Physical components:
Structure of MIS may be understood by looking at the physical components of the information system in an organization.
         Hardware: Hardware refers the physical data processing equipment and peripheral devices. processing equipment and peripheral devices.
         Software: software is broad term given to the instruction or program that direct the operation of the hardware.
         Database: the data base consist of all data utilized by application software utilized by application software.
         Input and output : various physical input and output from the information system, existing in output from the information system, existing in the form like printout, report etc. the form like printout, report etc.
         Information system processing functions:
Information system structure can also be understood in term of its processing functions. The main processing functions of information system are described below:
         To Process Transactions:Information systems process transaction may be defined as an activity taking place in an organization.
         To Maintain Master files:Information systems create and maintain master files in the organisation. A master file stores the historical data about the organizational.
         To Produce Reports: Reports are significant products of an information system. Many reports are produces on a regular basis, which are called scheduled reports. reports on a
         To Process Interactive Support  A pplications
         Decision Support: Decision vary with respect to the structure that can be provided for making them. A highly structure that can be provided for making them. A highly structured decision can be pre structured decision can be pre--planned. A structured planned. A structured decision, because of its well defined nature can be said decision, because of its well defined nature can be said to be be programmable.

          Levels of management activities:
      The structure of an information system can be categorized in terms of level of the management activities.
       strategic planning deals with long-range considerations.
       The decisions include the choice of business directions, market       strategy, product etc.
    Management control level includes acquisition and organizationof resource, structuring of work and training of personnel.

         Operational control is related to short-term decision for current operations. Pricing, inventory level etc.

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