Tuesday 14 February 2017


Ø Event driven programming mechanism.
Ø It responds to messages by processing messages send by OS.
Ø Events may be keystrokes, mouse click etc.
Ø WinMain() is the entry point to windows program. It creates the window and retrieves and dispatch the messages to appropriate window procedure.

Ø Message Processing:Every Window Prog. Must have WinMain() whose main task is to create the applications main window. MS-DOS based prog. Calls OS to get User input, but windows based prog processes user input via msg from OS. Common messages are WM_CREATE, WM_LBUTTONDOWN, WM_COMMAND(in response of user menu choice). 
Ø GDI Support:
Ø Resource Based Programming:Resource files can include bitmaps, icons, menu definition, dialog box layouts etc. Linker combines these binary resource files with the c++ compiler’s output to generate executable prog. Resource editor & Resource compiler are used for programming.
Ø Memory Management:
Ø DLL Support:
Ø Win32 API:
Ø Plug and Play Facility:
Ø GUI Support:
Ø Support Distributed Processing:

Ø Remote Access Through Multithreading

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